Fighting To Be Heard


Simply Said by Tina

Have you ever watched the show, “Birth Stories”? In somewhat of a documentary-styled format, this program follows mothers through the delivery of their babies – from the excitement of the onset of labor, through the grueling pain of transition, and finally, the elation of the crowing moment of victory! I think we can all agree that nothing is more heartwarming than a new life being brought into the world!

My mom tells a horrid tale of her labor experience with my sister, Jerri – how they had to strap her arms down so she wouldn’t claw herself (I think she might be exaggerating just a wee bit…). She tells of how I nearly drowned as she began hemorrhaging in the middle of the night when she was pregnant with me; and recalls how my brother, Marty’s lungs were underdeveloped due to him having been born prematurely. Some birth stories are…

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